
Inevitable end when the life journey stops.

I am —

at that part of life when the sunsets left behind seem longer on life’s Timeline

and the coming ones hang with red lights, warning

that I may witness a few more or none of them at all.

I am aware that

on life’s Timeline, the warning is scary

so a flight-or-fight response kicks in; I want to turn

and go back to childhood once again.

But hope wheezes like an inflated balloon

the ground seems to give in.

The truth hides the sunrise behind dark clouds

and forever, I walk on the sand.

In the sunset years of life’s Timeline, the inevitable end

torments the soul

like a tornado down to uproot my love knots in the world.

I sigh! Cry.

But move on with a grateful smile. Still breathing! 😊

Tulip Chowdhury writes from Georgia, USA.



Tulip Chowdhury

There are moments of magic and challenges in living this earthly life. May my wings soar through the blessed energy of the universe.